CIVICA Applied Data Science Seminar Series

Session 2 - Spring 2023

Session 2 - Spring 2023 will take place on Wednesday, 4:00 PM CET / 3:00 PM GMT, 08 February 2023, on Zoom Meeting

About The Series

The CIVICA Data Science Seminar series is a unique multi-disciplinary series focused on applications and methodologies of data science for the social, political, and economic world.

Session 2 Details

The internet is fundamentally changing how we socialize, work, or gather information. The recent emergence of content serving services creates a new online ecosystem in which companies constantly compete for users' attention and use sophisticated user tracking and personalization methods to maximize their profit.

This seminar session presents Prof. Aniko Hannak's research that investigates the potential downsides of the algorithms commonly used by online platforms. Since these algorithms learn from human data, they are bound to recreate biases that are present in the real world. In this talk, Prof. Hannak will first present a measurement methodology developed to monitor personalization algorithms in the context of platforms such as Google Search or online stores. Second, she will talk about recommendation and rating systems in the context of employment related platforms such as job search sites, freelancing marketplaces and online professional communities, and their danger to reinforce gender inequalities.

Seminar Speaker

Aniko Hannak
Aniko Hannak

Aniko Hannak is an assistant professor at the University of Zurich, leading the Social Computing Group. She received her PhD from the College of Computer & Information Science at Northeastern University, where she was part of the Lazer Lab and the Algorithmic Auditing Group. Aniko’s main interest lies in computational social science, more specifically she is focusing on the co-evolution of online systems and their users. Broadly, her work investigates a variety of content serving websites such as search engines, online stores, job search sites, or freelance marketplaces and uncovers potential negative consequences of the big data algorithms that these websites deploy.


Nicolo' Cavalli

Welcome Introduction Prof. Nicolo' Cavalli, Bocconi

Setting the scene: Brief intro to the speaker and her talk

Aniko Hannak

Seminar Session Prof. Aniko Hannak, University of Zurich

New Faces of Bias in Online Platforms

Research Discussion. Lead Institution

Q&A / Discussion on the research


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