CIVICA Applied Data Science Seminar Series

Session 10 - Spring 2024

Session 10 - Spring 2024 will take place on Wednesday, 4:00 PM CEST 12 June 2024, on Zoom Meeting

About The Series

The CIVICA Data Science Seminar Series is a forum that brings together interdisciplinary experts working on novel methodological approaches that leverage new forms of data to address complex societal challenges.

Session 10 - Spring 2024 Details

The success and widespread use of artificial intelligence (AI) have increased awareness of its economic, social and political impact. The public debate currently focuses on AI models that enable the automated creation of text, image, video or audio content. The use of these models in journalism, in election campaigns and by the state raises questions and fears about their potential impact on democracy.

The idea of powerful machine intelligence, Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), has triggered far-reaching expectations and fears regarding its potential or threats. However, current AI successes have little to do with a still largely fictitious AGI. Instead, specific AI-supported applications usually fulfill clearly defined tasks in specific areas.

We cannot automatically assume that the successes of AI in other areas of society can automatically be transferred to politics or democracy-related areas. To better assess the impact of AI on democracy, we need to take a closer look. Therefore, this presentation focuses on four important building blocks of democracy: political self-determination, equality, elections; and on the conflict between democracies and autocracies.

Seminar Speaker

Prof. Andreas Jungherr
Prof. Andreas Jungherr

Andreas Jungherr is Professor of Political Science and Digital Transformation at the Institute of Political Science at the University of Bamberg. He researches the impact of digital media and artificial intelligence on politics and society. He is the author of the books "Digital Transformations of the Public Arena" (with Ralph Schroeder, Cambridge University Press, 2022) and "Retooling Politics: How Digital Media are Shaping Democracy" (with Gonzalo Rivero and Daniel Gayo-Avello, Cambridge University Press, 2020).


Dr. Ghita Berrada

Welcome Introduction Dr. Ghita Berrada, LSE

Setting the scene: Brief intro to the speaker and his talk

Prof. Andreas Jungherr

Seminar Session Prof. Andreas Jungherr, University of Bamberg

AI and Democracy

Research Discussion. Lead Institution

Q&A / Discussion on the research


Upcoming seminar in the series and other announcements