Session 1 - Spring 2025 will take place on Wednesday, 4:00 PM CET 29 January 2024, on Zoom Meeting
About The Series
The CIVICA Data Science Seminar series is a unique multi-disciplinary series focused on applications and methodologies of data science for the social, political, and economic world.
Session 1 Details
Freedom of speech plays a crucial role in science and the pursuit of knowledge. However, recent evidence indicates a decline in such freedom in the academy with rising calls for sanctions against scholars who make statements about matters of public interest that are deemed controversial or challenge prevailing norms. Using a novel dataset, we examine the effect of these incidents using a series of difference-in-differences designs. We find that the affected scholar’s body of work, published prior to the incident, receives about 4 percent fewer citations after the incident. Affected scholars also become less productive after the incidents, publishing 23 percent fewer works than scholars with similar characteristics.
Considering that scholars at the same institution as the affected scholars and scholars closer in their coauthorship network tend to cite the affected scholars' work less, our results seem to be motivated by scholars seeking to distance themselves. A large number of robustness checks and additional analysis confirms these findings. Our results oppose the Mertonian norm of universalism, which suggests that scientific notions must be evaluated independently from the personal opinions of the scholars proposing them. We provide evidence of a potentially worrisome subjectivity and bias in scientific inquiry which shades doubts over the credibility, objectivity, and inclusivity of the scientific research process.
Seminar Speaker
Dr. Lorenzo Palladini
Lorenzo is a postdoctoral researcher at the House of Innovation, Stockholm School of Economics, specializing in the fields of economics and management of innovation. His research explores how institutions and policies broadly shape innovation, with a particular focus on firm value, corporate strategies, and the intersection of science and politics. Lorenzo holds a PhD in Management from the University of Luxembourg and has been a visiting scholar at institutions such as ESADE, Copenhagen Business School, and ZEW. His work includes a published study on knowledge accessibility and scientific output, and he is a recipient of the DRUID Steven Klepper Award for Best Young Scholar Paper.
Welcome Introduction Prof. Erik Wetter, Stockholm School of Economics
Setting the scene: Brief intro to the speaker and his talk
Seminar Session Dr. Lorenzo Palladini
How ‘Free’ is Free Speech in Academia? Effects on Researchers and their Research
Research Discussion. Lead Institution
Q&A / Discussion on the research
Upcoming seminar in the series and other announcements